We are a comprehensive optical manufacturer of Opto mechatronics that commercializes customer needs from design and development.

Quality Policy

Manufacturing Products trusted by customers,
Providing products for customer Satisfaction

Toyo Circle Environmental Philosophy

Toyo Circle have to always optimize production activity for our products, services and business activity.
In addition, we have to protect and harmony with environment and keep firm confidence from customers,
end-users, community and residents.

Environmental Guideline

1) Continuous improvement of environmental performance in business activities, through the environment-friendly design and activities to reduce environmental risks, we aim to be Eco-friendly companies.

2) Companies establish chemical substance management system and strive their management/improvement of production environmental impact substances and chemical substances in products.

3) Compliance with environmental laws and regulations domestic and international, Companies will actively respond to the requirements of customers and related industries.

4) In harmony with local communities environment, Companies actively participate in environmental protection initiatives.

5) Through education and publicity activities, Companies strive to develop human resources with high environmental consciousness.

6) Companies publish environmental information appropriately and aim to live in harmony with the society.

This policy is well known to all employees, community, business partners,
and to disclose to the outside through the website also.

Declaration of Corporate Ethics

We, TOYOTEC Corporation and Corporate group, Toyo-Circle, declare that we will comply with all laws, regulations, and international rules, and that all board members and employees will practice the following corporate ethics together with all stakeholders (business partners, employees, shareholders, and local communities) based on our company motto, “Mutual Trust, Mutual Cooperation, and Mutual Connectivity”.

(Principles in Action)
The Company shall sincerely comply with all laws and regulations and act with social good sense in all its management activities.

(Customer service)
The Company shall treat all customers using the Company in a sincere, cheerful, kind and courteous manner.

(Provide safe and high quality products and services)
The company shall provide products and services that satisfy customers by manufacturing safe and high quality products that are trusted by customers based on its superior technology and rich experience.

(Proper indication)
The company shall correctly indicate the quality, contents, etc. of the products and services it provides to its business partners.

(Fair competition)
The Company shall engage in fair and free competition with other companies in the same trade.
The Company shall not use fraudulent means to sell or receive orders for products or services.

(Management of confidential information)
The Company shall strictly manage information on customers obtained in the course of business and the Company’s own confidential information so that such information will not be leaked to outside parties.

(Troubleshooting for customers)
The company shall respond promptly and in good faith to any problems that may arise with the customer with respect to the company’s services.

(Political and administrative relations)
The Company shall maintain sound and normal relations with politics and government.
We do not make illegal political contributions, illegal benefits, or bribes.

(Provision of corporate information)
The Company shall provide appropriate corporate information to business partners, shareholders and other stakeholders as appropriate.

(Environmental Initiatives)
The company shall recognize the importance of environmental issues and shall actively address environmental issues through the effective use of resources and energy conservation.

(Employee safety and health)
To ensure the safety and health of employees in the workplace, the company shall take all possible and necessary safety and health measures in buildings and facilities.

(Realization of comfort and affluence for employees)
The company shall endeavor to realize the economic, mental, and temporal comfort and affluence of its employees by improving working conditions.

(Respect for the character and human rights of employees)
The Company shall respect the fundamental human rights of its employees and shall not discriminate in its treatment of employees on the basis of race, nationality, ideology, religion, mental or physical disability, age, sex, marital status, or any other reason unrelated to the performance of their duties.

(Formation of workplaces where employees can make the most of their individuality and abilities)
The Company shall endeavor to create a workplace where each and every employee can maximize his or her individuality, motivation and ability.

(Interaction with local communities)
The Company, as a good corporate citizen, shall endeavor to contribute to society by deepening its interaction with local communities and participating in local social activities.

(Related Party Transactions)
The Company shall obtain the approval of the Board of Directors for any transaction with a related party after explaining the transaction to the director in charge of each business office in advance, and the Board of Directors shall confirm the rationality of the transaction and the appropriateness of the transaction terms and conditions.

(Relationship with Anti-Social Forces)
The Company shall take a firm stand against anti-social forces that threaten social order and sound corporate activities.
We do not provide economic benefits to anti-social forces.


The text of the Corporate Code of Ethics is as follows.
EN:Corporate Code of Ethics

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